Melody Lore

Evenfall Lore are short literary works inspired by and written to accompany our ciders, wines, etc. What could pair better with a bewitching beverage than a bit of poetry or fiction? Settle in, take a sip, and read on.


“Golden gleam /

and I'm drawn in /

All summer smiles /

and sunny haze /

in decadent /



Golden gleam
and I'm drawn in
All summer smiles 
and sunny haze
in decadent

A sweetness
in newness
Each moment
whether sunny or 
summer stormy
an epiphany

Put it in jars
that sweetness, 
golden delight
Store the jars in memory
for when harvest has passed
and all is reaped 
that had been sewn

A memory
of Golden Light
Dancing Dust
Saccharine Sunsets
to sip on
to nurse in your tea
A dose of nostalgia
to overwinter on

A sweetness
that never tastes the same
but always sweet
and ages 
gracefully alongside you

Still sweetness
in not-so-newness
its color richer
its flavor more complex
bound up with all 
that had once been
and now longed for


Learn more about Melody Honey & Apple Wine, the product that inspired the story, or return to the storytelling page.


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